Getting Started with Raven Tech

Exploring Raven’s suite of limitless automation technologies expands your productivity, sustainability, and profitability. Raven offers comprehensive precision ag technology solutions for all applications and seasons. With so many options, it may seem overwhelming to get started on your Path to Autonomy journey. However, getting started is easy and intuitive: first, set your goals; then, find an easy-to-use solution that integrates with your fleet to help you improve your application.

At Raven, we believe that autonomous farming is a journey, not a destination. Our “Path to Autonomy” approach is designed to help farmers implement levels of autonomous technology that gradually simplify and automate their operations. Our goal is to support you on every step of this journey – whether you are just starting or are autonomy-ready.

Visit Raven at Agritechnica 2023 or other upcoming events to experience each step of the Path to Autonomy with interactive demos and talk through your next steps with a Raven expert.

The “Base Camp” of the Path to Autonomy

Your starting point on the Path to Autonomy starts with the equipment and technology you’re already using. That helps you set your goals.

  • For manual-steering machines: your goal is to make automatic guidance as smooth and efficient as possible.
  • For older machines: your goal is to upgrade to new, more precise product control.
  • For sprayers: your goals are to increase application quality while saving input use.

Simple, Silent, and Powerful Automatic Guidance

DirecSteer™ with CR7® or CR12® display

The most straightforward stress-free solution gives you high-quality electric-drive automatic steering at a cost-competitive price. DirecSteer™ simply replaces the machine’s existing steering wheel with a high-torque motor and steering component. Its silent operation and scalability from sub-meter to sub-inch precision make it a standout auto-guidance solution.

For the best experience, pair DirecSteer with a Raven CR7® or CR12® display. Both feature the CRx field planning and operating system with easy job setup, fewer touches, and greater efficiency. These integrations are supported by Raven’s industry-leading technical service and support.

Learn More About DirecSteer

Increasing Application and Spray Precision

RCM: How to Add Product Control to an Older Machine

The Raven Rate Control Module, otherwise known as RCM, provides solutions for every season — planting, pre-emerge, and post-emerge. It can be used for over 200 applications in the field with ISOBUS compatibility and flexibility. RCM controls up to 5 products and stores up to 8 profiles, giving you more precise control with less downtime and misapplication – especially in complex multiproduct applications.

Click below to see how RCM can plug and play into your seeder, dry spreader, NH3 toolbar, air cart, generic applicator, liquid fertilizer, or other application.

Learn More about RCM

Hawkeye® 2: How Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Increases Job Quality and Sprayer Effectiveness

Hawkeye 2, the industry’s most precise nozzle control system, provides accurate application by maintaining consistent droplet size compared to traditional flow systems. PWM does not rely on pressure changes to affect new flow rates. This allows spray range to be increased up to 5x the spray range of a conventional system, ensuring even coverage with less drift. Turn compensation takes this a step further by making sure the same spray pattern is applied evenly through the turn arc.

Click below to learn more about how Hawkeye 2 keeps application even, consistent, and precise every time.

Hawkeye® 2

Ready to advance to the next level of spray precision?

If you are familiar and comfortable with the precision technologies we have discussed so far, consider taking the next step on your Path to Autonomy — adding technologies that assist you by automating application decisions.

Raven Sense & Act™ - Augmenta® is one of the latest examples of this. Augmenta uses a combination of artificial intelligence and camera vision to automatically control application rates, maximizing nutrient effectiveness. It has helped farmers save tremendously on input costs while making application more efficient.

Learn more about Augmenta®

Your Next Steps

Looking to move forward on your Path to Autonomy? Here are a few next steps that you can take to explore and implement the latest technology:

  1. Visit Raven at Agritechnica 2023 or other upcoming events to experience interactive demos and talk through your next steps with a Raven expert.
  2. Connect with your local Raven dealer. Your dealer will have the tools, products, and expertise needed to help you buy, integrate, and install your Raven technologies.